Browse the Tithe Applotment Books
Townlands in Moore and Drum (Roscommon)
- America
- Ardhernan
- Ardkeenan
- Ardkeenan,Doohan
- Ardkeenan,Plantations
- Ardkeenan,Rooskeybeg
- Ardnaglug
- Ardnanewer
- Ardnanure
- Ardonaglug West
- Ballinamona
- Ballydangan
- Ballydangin
- Ballymurray Alias Moore South
- Ballymurray,Alias Moore South
- Ballymurry
- Barns Creagh
- Beal Rea
- Bealrea
- Bollaheu
- Bollenfull
- Bollinfille
- Bolloughhere
- Bollowglass
- Bollowglass,Bottoms
- Bollowglass,Newton
- Bollowpower
- Bollowsheogue
- Burns Creagh
- Callowbeg
- Cappadocia
- Cappadocin
- Cappadoeia
- Cappaghuse
- Cappahun
- Carricknaughten
- Cartron
- Classhaganna
- Clonbola
- Clonboula
- Clonburn
- Clonfad
- Clonfert
- Clonnbeggan
- Cloonallagh
- Cloonark
- Cloonbeggan
- Cloonbeggane
- Cloonbiggane
- Clooneash
- Clooneashe
- Cloonellan
- Cloonellen
- Cloonfad
- Cloongowna
- Cloongowney
- Clooniff
- Cloonlougduff Deanery
- Cloonloughdaffe Islands
- Cloonloughduffe Islands
- Cloonneash
- Cloonrollagh
- Cloonshark
- Cloonshask
- Cloonshaske
- Cloonulty
- Clouburn Callows
- Clunburn
- Collogorough
- Conboula
- Coolderry Park
- Coppaghuse
- Corheen
- Corheenbeg
- Corkeen
- Corker Beg
- Cornevieagh
- Corrobane
- Cottage
- Cranagh
- Cranagh,Beg
- Cranagh,House
- Cranagh,Newtown
- Cranagh,Wood
- Cranberry Island
- Cranberry Islands
- Creagh
- Cregancamohegue
- Creganeamoughose
- Creganebertack
- Creggane
- Creggane Erress
- Cregganebeg
- Cresaneabeaca
- Crigganeness
- Csanesm
- Cugan
- Cullaghmore
- Culleaghmore
- Culleen
- Cunnsellogus
- Curaghaleen
- Curnafulla
- Curnafullagh Black
- Curnafullagh Walsh
- Curnaghveigh
- Curnasellogue
- Curnavigh
- Currabawne
- Curraghagowen
- Curraghagower
- Curraghaleen
- Curraghbaun
- Curraghmore
- Currownabull
- Czassanebeg
- Czesanemore
- Denerewag
- Dernaradagh
- Derniwidagh
- Derry Mcloughlin
- Derryglash
- Derrylahan
- Derrylahen
- Derrylaura
- Derryneile
- Derryneill
- Derrynick
- Dolanstown
- Doohan
- Doohan,Bridge
- Drum
- Drum Estate
- Drumlash
- Fatty
- Fatty Mc Knight
- Foxbomough
- Foxborough
- Garrynagowna
- Gorthboy
- Gouthboy
- Gravin's White House
- Hills End
- Hillsend
- Islands
- Johnstown
- Juchnalea
- Kebbegly
- Keelogue
- Keelty
- Keelty,Lodge Park
- Keelty,Wood
- Keleashed Dolan
- Keleashed Dolans
- Kilbegley
- Kilcashel,Lowtown
- Kilcashel,Middle
- Kilcashel,Upper
- Kileashed Lowtown
- Kileashed Middle
- Kileashed Upper
- Kileashel,Dolanstown
- Kilglass
- Killoss
- Kilmacormick
- Leonard Farm
- Liberty
- Lisdillor
- Longhill
- Lower Currogroe
- Lowtown Kilcashel
- Luchlackagh
- Lucklakagh
- Luclacca
- Mahonbu
- Mcnamara Farm
- Middle Kilcashel
- Moor South
- Moore
- Moore South
- Mount Margut
- Mountegurty
- Mt Hussey
- Mt. Margaret
- Myhanboug
- Myhanbough
- Naghten Farm
- Newtown
- Nure
- Old Stone Park
- Old Village
- Old Villiage
- Raghrabeg
- Rampark
- Rapheacke
- Rapheake
- Rockfield
- Rooty
- Roscommon
- Shranacut
- Starkey's Village
- Stonepark
- Tadduffe
- Taduff
- Tanvey
- Taylorstown
- Thomastown
- Thornhill
- Tubberaheen
- Tubbercheen
- Tubberhaun
- Tully
- Upper Currogroe
- Upper Kilcashel
- Upper and Lower Curryroe
- West Park
- White House